What’s new?

We are constantly improving our platform. Here you can find a list of new features recently added to make your experience using Shine even better.

Version 3.9

Released 30 March, 2021

Validate landing page url, while creating a campaign

When you create campaigns you can now verify the landing page with the new button “See landing page” below the banner previews. If you hover over the button, you can see the url the customer will be redirected to if they click your banner. When you click the button the link opens in a new tab. 

Sorting tables by columns

You can now sort the tables by their columns. Cases can, among other things be sorted alphabetically by address or by price, while the ads can be sorted by budget, start date or end date.

Zip code boundaries

When running campaigns where the target audience is a specific zip code, you can now see the zip code boundaries in the map preview.

Google Ads

Shine is now using Google Ads to show banners in Google’s advertising network.

Version 3.8

Released 17 November, 2020

What’s improved

We have made some changes in UI/UX design for better user experience

  • The search textbox has been changed and placed just above the main section.
  • The filters in campaigns section has been redesigned and made dynamic.
  • The dashboard section has been modified to display results related to four status Active, Scheduled, stopped and completed for both case campaigns and office promos.
  • The info text on each status widget on Dashboard sections has been modified.
  • We have removed the status for waiting and failed campaigns on Dashboard.

Version 3.7

Released 31 January, 2020

What’s improved

The look of the media packages has been redesigned. Campaign statistics can be downloaded as a PDF file. Shine now sends email updates.

What’s fixed

  • We redesigned the media packages to give you a more pleasant experience when choosing the right package for your campaign.
  • You can now download a visual PDF with statistics about a campaign to make it easier for you to show your sellers the effect of Shine.
  • To keep you in the loop, Shine now automatically sends emails when your campaign starts and ends.

Version 3.6

Released 6 September, 2019

What’s improved

You can now add emojis to your social media advertising.


What’s fixed

  • Take advantage of the value of communicating with emojis.

Version 3.5

Released 7 August, 2019

What’s improved

Campaigns now have the option to tweak your targeting areas.


What’s fixed

  • Here, you can see the default pin and add additional pins to increase your coverage area.
  • You can select any pin on the map and use the slider to increase or decrease the radius covered by the campaign.
  • This functionality allows you to select additional areas outside the regular marketing area, such as advertising a summer house to the innercity areas or that perfect getaway condo in downtown New York to the Hamptons!
  • The targeting system is an add-on to the regular campaign. If you leave it as it is, the campaign will proceed normally, targeting the most optimal people using our data and experience. But in some cases, you may want to change the targeting areas, due to target populations being outside the default range. If this is the case, place pins and change their radius to personalize your campaign to your intended audience! This is especially efficient with high-end properties or getaway properties, where buyers live in areas far from the properties’ location.
  • US: 40 miles for US client set as default. The radius has min value of 5 miles and max as 40 miles

Version 3.4

Released 2 August, 2019

What’s improved

New helpcenter release. We are excited to present our new helpcenter.


What’s fixed

  • What’s more, our helpcenter layout has had a complete makeover. So this is also an introduction to our new design.
  • The  team has been very busy to identify the support resources offered in our new helpcenter to make it  efficient and easy-to-use. We hope you like it!

Version 3.3

Released 22 July, 2019

What’s improved

Credit card payment released to relevant markets. It is now possible to pay campaigns with credit cards.

What’s fixed

  • The platform behind the payment is Stripe. Stripe is an American technology company based in San Francisco, California.
  • Its software allows individuals and businesses to make and receive payments over the Internet.
  • Stripe provides the technical, fraud prevention, and banking infrastructure required to operate online payment systems.

Version 3.2

Released 1 May, 2019

What’s improved

Brand new Shine backend. We are so proud of this release. We have rebuilt our entire backend to makes things faster and more efficient. 

What’s fixed

  • Campaigns can no longer fail and need to be recreated, once they are in a pending state.
  • Campaigns will go to a scheduled state a lot faster than before.
  • Some pages will load up to 700% faster than before.